Retirement Process

Types of Retirement

Early (Available to those age 55 or more, with 15 or more years of creditable service.)

Deferred (Available to those who are vested and have left City employment.)


The Process

For City of Milwaukee Employees

If you work for an agency outside of the City, contact your HR department.


The Handbooks

These handbooks provide an easy-to-read explanation of your ERS benefits in summary form.

The Calculations

CalculatorPension Calculators

How it is calculated: For Police Officers & Firefighters

How it is calculated: For General City Members Enrolled before 1/1/2014

How it is calculated: For General City Members Enrolled after 2013

Global Pension Settlement Benefits and their calculations


The Details and Links to Full Definitions

Contributions: Money that went into your account.

Creditable Service: Generally refers to the time you have worked as a member of the ERS.

Service Credit: Same as "Creditable Service" (above.)

Grace: Service credit granted for certain periods of unpaid time off.

Military Time: Service credit granted for certain periods of military service.

Qualifying Time: To qualify for a benefit, working more than 1/2 time earns 1 year of credit.

Vesting: After 4 years of creditable service, you have rights to your pension benefit.

Withdrawal Rights: When you can withdraw your accumulated contributions.

Refund Application Process: Withdrawing your funds now, instead of retiring later.

Protective Survivorship Option: Protection for a survivor if you die before you retire.

Survivor: Designated person(s) who continues to collect your pension after your death.

Beneficiary: Designated person(s), estate, or Trust who gets a payout after your death.

Reciprocity: The ERS provides a benefit to some members with prior or county service.

Death Benefit: If you die while an active employee.
